River Camping!

Aside from dive trips, we also organize camping and eco adventure trips. Who wants to join us on our next eco adventure?

Purple Hydrocoral at Farnsworth

On July 24th, we gathered bright and early at San Pedro for our dive trip to Farnsworth Bank. We not only made it out to this difficult to reach destination, but we were also blessed with nice condition. The waster temp was in the mid 60's and the water was beautiful clear blue. We had a blast!

Third Time's the Charm!

We finally made it out to Santa Barbara Island on July 16th.This was our third try at making it out to the tiny speck of an Island. We woke up half expecting to see Catalina, but we were happily surpeised to see the beautiful Santa Barbara Island. We enjoyed a great day of diving at Santa Barbara Island aboard the Bottom Scratcher with Captain Kevin.

Our First Post-COVID Overnight Trip

On June 9th, we made our first overnight trip aboard the Bottom Scratcher. Although the weather didn't cooperate and we did not make it to Santa Barbara Island, we had a blast at Catalina Island.

4/8/21 Webinar - Understanding Marine Weather and Forecast

Learn how to decipher weather terminology and use weather forecasts to determine the conditions at your favorite dive site.

April 8, 2021 from 7pm to 8pm