Medicinal and Poisonous Plants
People often ask, "If we had to survive in these mountains, what could we eat to survive?" However, the first question should be, "Which plants are poisonous or toxic and should be avoided?" There are a few toxic or potentially lethal plants in our local area, and you could easily learn to identify and avoid them. You'll learn which parts of the plants are "poisonous", and what sorts of symptoms you would get if you were to ingest them (or touch them). Once you know what can kill you, then you can slowly build up your knowledge for the rest of the plants, since there's much more that are helpful than are toxic. We'll explore some medicinal plants and learn how you can safely treat wounds, bruises, sprains, etc. so that you'll be well prepared when the zombie apocalypse starts.
Things to Expect:
- Easy to Moderate walking
- May be at higher elevations
- Frequent stops to talk about local flora and fauna
- Creek and stream crossings possible
- Rest for 15-30 min to enjoy provided meal and drinks
We Provide:
- Hike guided by staff Naturalist
- Light meal and beverage featuring local plant ingredients
- Light to moderate exercise while being out in nature
- Educational enrichment to grow your appreciation for local environment
Please Bring:
- Water
- Extra cup for provided beverage
- Extra layers of clothing
- Hiking or running shoes (may get wet from water crossing)
- Waterproof jacket (if chance of rain)
- Sun protection & Insect repellent
- Small backpack to carry items
- Trash bag for picking up litter
- Hiking pole (optional)